Does the soil contain all necessary nutrients?

Does it provide crops with optimal conditions for growth?

You can know exactly

Currently available technologies make it possible to determine soil quality very quickly and precisely. The mapping of the nutrient content in the soil on their own lands can be ordered by every farmer in the Czech Republic.


Soil sampling

  • The samples are taken with a powerful John Deere Gator
  • We perform mechanical samplingto eliminate the possibility of an error.
  • A mixed sample is taken with a probe from 10 to 30 different locations  of one sampling poin (one GPS coordinate)
  • The sampling is performed after harvest and before sowing. To ensure a comparability of the results we recommend to perform several sampling in the course of 1-3 years at the same time and place

Laboratory analysis

  • Subsequently a soil analysis,  is performed. Based on the parameters we determine the content of macro and micro elements, nitrate nitrogen, and grain composition
  • The most modern  Mehlich III method is used to perform the above analysis
  • .
  • The analysis resuots are delivered within a fortnight following the sampling.
  • Both missing elements and abundant elements, are determined and recorded in a form of a map occurrence

Land mapping: element mapping

  • The results are delivered in both graphic and numeric form, as graphic maps according to the frequency of occurrence of individual elements
  • The map of the occurrence gives us a clear representation of the element's distribution in the soil
  • Based on soil analysis results, we are able to formulate system recommendations, concerning the soil.
  • A map of these recommendationscan be the next step – what could be applied to meet the customer's goals
  • Following the map of the occurrence and the map of the recommendations, we can also supply application maps for variable fertilization and pH adjustment of a sophisticated application tailored to each land.

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Contact our plant protection and nutrition specialist